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Kelsey Selena

Meet Your Guide

"As a keeper of the Akashic Records I translate your souls wisdom and experiences so that your path may be illuminated and your inner knowing restored."

Kelsey Polk

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Kelsey Selena

Akashic Records Reader, Spiritual Ascension Guide, and Personal Transformation Coach

Before becoming a channel I worked in a pharmaceutical setting for 10 years.  I found that doctors are trained to treat symptoms with medication.  The common practice of prescribing as well as taking a"magic pill" to fix something (that will most likely cause another symptom or issue) is a methodology I have never resonated with.  I have great respect for medical professionals and am not against medication all together.  I am more interested in having individuals get to the root cause of their dis-ease.  I personally feel there are some issues that are soul based.  I encourage individuals to encompass their whole being to heal at all levels including at the soul level.



I started out in pharmacy because I loved the idea of helping and healing people.  During this time I was often told to "stop talking to people and keep the line moving".  This did not sit well with my soul because I wanted to support others on a deeper level.  So I started just going through the motions while at work and when I came home I dove into books, teachings, courses, basically anything that would feed my soul and give me connection to something deeper.  I have always been interested in personal development, mind body soul healing and all things metaphysical.  When I finally realized that pharmacy was not the way I was meant to be of service I started my journey as a Life Coach and Spiritual advisor and started to transition out of pharmacy.  â€‹


My first "Holy Fuck" moment as a channel (spoiler alert I had a that's so raven moment while working my pharmacy job)


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"Getting an Akashic Records reading from Kelsey is truly an unforgettable experience and I'm so glad that Spirit led me to the opportunity.


Going into it, I didn't quite know what to expect but as soon as I reached out to her and could feel her enthusiasm and love for her craft and any hesitancy I held quickly melted away. I knew I was making the right decision.


The way she is able to connect to your energy and obtain such personalized information is ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!


The way she presents the information is so fun and lighthearted even if the subject matter itself is a bit lofty.


Kelsey provides lots of energetic support and is always willing to hold space for you and give you the necessary time to process and integrate with any of the information that's presented.


She really cares about people and it truly shines through in her work!"

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